Summer Trip 2012

Just thought it might be good to post an update on our recent trip for those who don’t do Facebook and who maybe missed all the pictures we put up as we went along day by day during our June visit.

Basil, Natalie and I had a brilliant time and it was just great visiting Hidden Treasure again and seeing all our friends there and it was just amazing seeing the progress made in school from last year. All the team there are doing a brilliant job and seeing the children enjoying learning and growing together was very special. The fence will soon be completed around the school giving greater security to the children and the generator we sent out in the container last year is connected up and bringing electricity when necessary to some of the classrooms. Some of the computers we sent out are being used to help the children learn IT skills and we were just delighted through meetings and interaction to be able to progress so many practical things during the visit. Natalie worked with Becky from Hidden Treasure distributing many of the wee envelopes to the sponsor children from their sponsors – very happy children indeed. Meeting with and hearing from many of the parents was also very encouraging. While Basil and I were working through much of the practical stuff with the Director, Headmaster, Teachers and Management Committee, Natalie enjoyed introducing the children to hockey. You can see from some of the pictures below that the children took to the hockey and we have heard since from Hidden Treasure that they are all wanting to play hockey every break time. Can you see in the pictures the wee mango tree planted last year in school to remind the children of the fruitfulness in Charlene’s life.

I have covered the exciting progress with the “Second School” in the last posting. Build-Africa have been so helpful in working with us in our selection and we are delighted to be working with them on this next stage of the journey for Charlene’s Project.

Natalie had sent out almost half a ton of hockey sticks and hockey equipment from Ireland for her hockey coaching in schools and camps during our time in Uganda. It was just unbelievable seeing the primary and secondary school children playing hockey and to be able to give them sticks and kit for use in their schools. This would just not have been possible if it had not been for all individuals and clubs the length and breadth of Ireland who donated. Thanks everyone. I reckon there was over 800 children involved in the different hockey coaching work done during the two weeks. So many of the kids were playing in bare feet and they were playing on grass, clay and stones. Incredible to see many of them having the opportunity too to play on the artificial pitch at Lugogo in Kampala during the hockey camps.  Working with Joshua and his coaches from Youth Sport Uganda and made all the schools work and hockey camps possible. Keep up the good work folks

Thank you so much to everyone who thought about us and prayed for us when we were away. What continues to be achieved through Charlene’s Project would not be possible without all your support.

Natalie “It was just amazing seeing the children many in bare feet playing hockey and loving it. Their attitude and enthusiasm was incredible. I will never ever forget their excitement and the fun we had together.”

Some pictures below and more available at

Let’s start at the airport with the Olympic Torch:



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