Poppa Jim has BIG plans for 2022

On behalf of Charlene’s Project I wish to thank all those good people who supported me on my recent 180km cycle in aid of Charlene’s Project to help build a school which they so badly need in Uganda. We raised over £8,000 which was a terrific result for all concerned.

Jim in his garage doing his cycling

As for me it was a blessing as it helped me to get back to some sort of physical fitness and I am now looking forward to the future again. I would urge all those of an advanced age to try and get on an exercise bike or borrow one from someone who might have one but doesn’t use it. You will never regret it.

After the lockdown I thought I was finished. I used a rollator to learn to walk again and along with a host of other disabilities I was a wreck. One of my granddaughters suggested I do a cycle in aid of Charlene’s Project but when I got on the bike I couldn’t turn the pedals one click because my legs were so sore and swollen. My doctor ordered support stockings for me and I persevered till I was able to master it. I then took up the challenge of 180km.

I am now ready for another challenge. But this one I have set myself will involve a lot of dedication and hard work. It is also in aid of Charlene’s Project but the people who have already sponsored me before do not need to do so again. I am sure there are a lot more people and organisations out there who might want to support me.

On the 1st of January 2022 I will start out on an extended trip – the first objective will be the 19th of June when I hope to have reached 960km to celebrate my 96th birthday. God willing I will then journey on until I reach 1,600km (1,000 miles). If there is any time left, and I am still within my sell by date, I will continue on until 31st December – New Years Eve. So I humbly ask for your support and prayers to help me on my way.

It’s getting near Christmas now so let’s hear those joyful Christmas Bells ring out for all those children in Uganda and get them an education to lift them out of the difficult challenging situations they face.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

God bless

Jim Copeland

Let this be a Happy New Year and a new beginning for all of these children Charlene’s Project are trying to help

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