Charlene’s Project research Findings

Findings from recent Charlene’s Project research in rural Ugandan Primary Schools:

1. Strategic Challenges: The head teachers, teachers and senior management (129 responses) identified the top strategic challenge that schools currently face as ‘the distance teachers travel to school’. Also identified as top strategic challenges were ‘lack of resources in school’, ‘not enough teachers’ and ‘lack of buildings and overcrowding.

2. Support and Training: When teachers were asked ‘What areas of support and training would most help you in your work in your school?’, the top response was ‘strengthening parent teacher partnerships’.

3. School/Parent Partnership: When head teachers, teachers, senior management and parents were asked ‘In your opinion, what areas of support and training would strengthen the school/parent partnership?’, the top response was ‘regular meetings with teachers about the curriculum’.

4. Pupil Learning: When pupils were asked ‘What extra support would help you in your learning?’, the top two answers were ‘extra explanation from teachers’ and ‘more group work and discussion in class’.

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