£1 million mark passed by Charlene’s Project

In 2009, on the very day when Charlene was told she needed a lung transplant to survive, she made the decision to fundraise to build a school in Uganda. When Janice and I told her it was too ambitious a plan she asked us “Do you not believe in the power of God” and “Do you not believe in the generosity of the people of Northern Ireland”. Charlene was right and 5 months later the £70,000 needed was raised. 

I am reminded of Charlene’s words about the faithfulness of God and the generosity of people as I have just received confirmation from our accountant that in our last set of Charlene’s Project accounts up to the end of August 2017 that since Charlene made that statement over £1 million has been raised and over £1 million spent on education and health projects in the very needy areas where Charlene’s Project works.

Against that amazing background I am writing to invite you to the Charlene’s Project 7th BIG FESTIVE FRY on Saturday 16th December 7.30am – 12 noon in Dollingstown Church Halls

This is our annual fundraiser and in previous years so much has been achieved. Previous Big Festive Fry events have:

2012 – Provided borehole and clean water at Kahara Primary School, Uganda

2013 – Built Community Hall at Kahara Primary School, Uganda

2014 – Built teacher accommodation and supported development at Kirwala Primary School, Uganda

2015 – Supported refurbishment and new classrooms in Vado Ancho and Las Escaleras Primary Schools in Guatemala

2016 – Helped fund school and community health programmes in Kahara and Kirwala Primary Schools, Uganda

This year we are raising funds to help support 3 neighbouring primary schools close to the Kahara and Kirwala Primary Schools we already support in rural western Uganda. These 3 schools need similar development to what we have already done in Kahara and Kirwala schools. For example, Nyinga Primary has over 1,000 pupils with 320 pupils in P1 and only 1 permanent P1 teacher. Yet there are only 44 pupils in P7 as older children are taken out of school to help their parents work the land and early marriage for girls is common. There are 2 tables in the entire school and all the resources for the whole school are kept in one small cupboard in the headmaster’s office. Charlene’s Project has committed to provide latrines and teacher accommodation as the first step in developing these 3 schools.

Both of us and all involved in Charlene’s Project would like to thank you and everyone else who has helped us achieve so much over the past 7 years for needy children in impoverished situations. Please continue to help us create better futures for children by supporting this years BIG FESTIVE FRY on Saturday 16th December 7.30am-noon in Dollingstown Church Halls.

Dickie and Janice


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