Uganda Update

To stay in touch with how things are going out in Uganda with the team, and to check on the progress of the container and official opening, then check the facebook page, and check back to the website. Please check this page everyday for latest news!


Check the facebook page by clicking here –

Day Five

Please see some of the latest pics from day 5 here:


Today was amazing. Ran a clinic all day for the community, with 700-800 turning up, and sadly we had to send many away as it got dark, although we have invited them back on Thursday. Entire families were seen and treated. The school programme went well, with the story of Daniel as the theme, and lion masks made, literacy, numeracy and insane Dodgeball games! Please pray for tomorrow at the official opening, God’s vision through Charlene continues to unfold.





Day Four

Please see some of the latest pics from day 4 here:

First day of programme at Hidden Treasure: – literacy, numeracy, games and crafts all in full swing, as was painting, electrical wiring and photo taking. Great day, with a torrential rain pour – just like home. Amazing kids, and all of us were blessed. One lovely woman hugged Rebecca and said, “Thank you for loving us and our community.” God is so good in giving us this opportunity through Charlene’s legacy



Day Three

Please see some of the latest pics from day 3 here:

Summary of today in a few words? Went to church for a marathon 4.5 hour service, with the team singing and speaking about Charlene’s story and the Big Picture of God’s Story through history and where we fit in. We shared a meal with the church and had a great day getting to know community and much nail polish was used with the kids! God is good.



Day Two

Please see some of the latest pics from day 2 here:



Day One

Please see some of the latest pics from day 1 here:
