
Admin costs = £0.12   Direct to Uganda = £0.88

In Charlene’s Project, it is our desire to always be open and accountable to our supporters who give generously to the work we do. We believe that the money raised is for the delivery of our programmes to the most vulnerable people where we work.

Over 88 pence out of every £ spent by Charlene’s Project in the last accounting year was spent in Uganda. The remaining 12 pence out of every £ was spent on administrative and governance costs of running the organisation.

As a Trust and registered charity, our accounts are independently examined by a Chartered Accountant and we report to the Northern Ireland Charity Commission, an independent body that regulates activities of charities in Northern Ireland.

Charlene’s Project is Registered with the Charity Commission for N.I. NIC: 100589.  HMRC No: XT22158